
Sunday, January 22, 2006

Why do I see things I dont want to see

My mind sees what I dont want to see ... so much of violence, so much of anger !! Why ?? Life is meant to be lived to the fullest ... but are we even within sight of that ?? Hasn’t it turned to just another illusion .. utopia ?

So much of pain, so much of torment, so much hatred and frustration in the world that we live in.  Brothers up in arms to kill each other.  So much of road rage, ready to shout and curse at one another for the smallest reason.  Are we really living in civilized times, is this the price that we pay for development ? Disappointment galore, with no one ready to lower the bar ... everyone wants to be the first in the so called Rat Race, often bad mouthing one another to get to a better spot.  Where is all this headed to ?? Is there any light at the end of the tunnel ?

Spare a thought as we start a new week, cos if we think and react, we can all make the world a better place to live in.  Just cut the anger ... which is a major let down of educated people !

So this week,  when we are driving to our offices and someone skips a lane or force overtakes you, stop .. dont swear at him, instead smile and let your mind be calm.  When your spouse begins to tell about her problems, listen to it and understand the stand that he/she is trying to make, dont butt off the conversation with the I'm busy dialogue.  When your child wants your attention, give it cos that may be the one most important thing in the life of that child.  When the elders at home as for help, do so happily, who knows you may never get a chance to help that person again in his / her lifetime.

Lets all make the world a better place to live in !! Keep smiling and helping guys :) Cheers    


Blogger Tweety said...

You forgot to add one more point buddy - Do not press your fingers hard on the horn the moment you see someone blocking your way. No one does it on purpose...they may be stuck with some problem in their vehicle. Your honking to glory wouldn't help him get out of the problem.Nor would your horn be audible to the lorry/bus guy 10-20 vehicles ahead of you...who has actually blocked the road.Why the hell should the other drivers bear your wrath in the form of your honking?
Just think once before reaching the horn button.

11:50 PM  
Blogger Aroop M Cherian said...

Suppu, very smart and meaningful comment !!

1:04 PM  

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